Petra Gieß-Stüber - Kick for Girls


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The aim of the Freiburg Step Foundation is to achieve integration through sports. Together with the University of Freiburg’s Institute of Sports Science and Physical Education, the foundation initiated the intercultural project "kick for girls," in which 180 school students from 10 schools get together to play soccer each week according to a specific concept. The student management of the project groups is integrated into teaching and advising activities at the university. Students are conducting research as part of the project evaluation.
The project involves a soccer day for girls who are enthusiastic about sports from all educational backgrounds. Around 60% of the 200 participants have a migration background. The sports festival is geared explicitly toward integration. The girls do not play against each other in school teams but have the opportunity to meet new people in mixed teams throughout the day. And they take advantage of this opportunity, as the evaluation of past soccer days shows.

Referent/in: Prof. Dr. Petra-Gieß-Stüber, Ludwig Siegismund, Caroline Keller, Alice Rickert

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