Short Interviews from our RTG's annual conference "Environmental and Cultural Destruction in Imperial Spaces"


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  • hochgeladen 19. Januar 2024

Short recaps by some of the speakers looking back on our conference "Environmental and Cultural Destruction in Imperial Spaces" (30/11/2023–02/12/2023).


00:09 Verena Zabel (RTG 2571 Empires / Freiburg)

00:14 Priyam Goswami Choudhury (University of Potsdam)

01:07 Aondover Gyegwe (University of Maiduguri)

01:19 Lucky Igohosa Ugbudian (University Ndufu-Alike)

01:27 Azarja Harmanny (University of Utrecht)

01:35 Chinwe Ogbonna (RTG 2571 Empires / Freiburg)

02:06 Mohammad A. H. Parsa (NYU London)

02:43 Benno Weiner (Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh)

03:19 Margaryta Golovchenko (University of Oregon)

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